Tuesday, February 23, 2016

He's probably just bummed that the light of the end of HIS tunnel is Newark

The man who stutters tremendously finds a horse on the street in Brooklyn. He decides call the police.

Man: I've f-f-found a w-w-wandering h-h-horse.

Policeman: Okay. We will come. Where are you now?

Man: In Br-r ...  Br-r...   (stutters tremendously)

Policeman: Bronx?

Man: Br-r ... Damn (hangs up because he can't speak any longer)

He calls again.

Man: I've c-c-called earlier a-a-about the h-h-horse.

Policeman: Okay. Where are you? 

Man: In Br-r... In Br-r  (stutters tremendously)

Policeman: Bronx? Man: Br-r ... Damn (hangs up again)

He calls again and once again they repeat the same unsuccessful conversation as before. Half an hour later the man calls again.

Man: I'm c-c-calling about the h-horse.

Policeman: Where are you?

Man: In Br-r ...  Br-r...

Policeman: Bronx?

Man: Yes, I am. I just d-d-dragged it here.

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