Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Puns, Jokes, and One-Liners

How do you start a racist joke?
With a small million-dollar loan from his father


What do you get if you cross Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip?
Killed in a Parisian tunnel.


Going on a cruise is sort of like living inside a Golden Corral for a week, and finding yourself in places mysterious and unknown every time you manage to waddle outside.


I was a bed wetter when I was a little kid, but I did it on purpose. I figured that even a monster wouldn't want to live under a mattress that smells like pee.


Being in Dubai is that feeling when you open an oven to check on your cookies and it burns your face except there’s no cookies and you can’t escape


Having someone garnish your wages sounds like a really good thing unless you know what that really means.


We’ve reached to point where we can stop saying something is the best thing since sliced bread, and start saying that it’s the best thing since yoga pants.


If someone is a Scientologist, a vegan, and does CrossFit, which one do they tell you about first?


Fun prank: Reply to late night Snapchat selfies with “what the f*** is behind you?!”, knowing the sender has no way to review the photo and probably won’t sleep that night.


I don’t know about you guys, but I always tip the delivery guy an extra five bucks if he doesn’t look around for the other six people he thought the pizza would feed.

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