Thursday, February 25, 2016

Speeding ticket test

A man is driving down the highway going 90 mph when he is pulled over by a cop. The cop walks up to the car and talks to the man.

Cop: Do you know I clocked you going 90 mph, I'm going to have to give you a ticket.

Man: Please officer, I'm on my way to the city. My son is in the hospital and I need to be with him.

Cop: I'm sorry but I need to give you a ticket.

Man: Sir, I've never had a ticket in over 40 years of driving. Can you please let me go?

Cop: How about this, I ask you a question. If you get it right you get no ticket, but if you're wrong you get a ticket. Fair?

Man: Sounds fair.

Cop: You're driving down the highway at night, and in the other lane you see 2 square lights coming toward you. What is it?

Man: Well it's a car!

Cop: That's not specific enough, it could be a Honda, a Chevy or a Ford.

Man: Well that's just not fair...

Cop: Well how about this one? You're driving down the highway and you see a singular light coming toward you. What is it?

Man: Well its obviously a motorcycle.

Cop: That's not specific enough, it could be a Harley Davidson, could be a Honda, or a Kawasaki

Man: Sir these questions just aren't fair!

Cop: Oh well, looks like you're getting a ticket!

Man: How about this, I ask you a question. If you get it right you give me a ticket, if you're wrong I don't get a ticket. Fair?

Cop: Go ahead.

Man: You're driving down the street when all of a sudden you see this woman dressed very scantily, with her cleavage showing, a lot of makeup, a little purse and every man that walks by her she hits on. What is that?

Cop: Well she's obviously a whore!

Man: Well that's not specific enough! She could be your wife, your mother, your daughter, or your sister!

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