Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Website Wednesday 16.28

Website Wednesday
a subsidiary of Skip's House of Chaos
(The 234,453rd Most Interesting Man in the World)

"From the Large Intestine of the Internets,

through the Sphincter of Electronic Mail,
peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."  

                    I have a Polish friend who’s a roadie for a band.
                    I have a Czech one too. 
                   A Czech one too. 
                   A Czech one too.

Top of the heap:  The 2016 iPhone Photography Award Winners

More interesting than it sounds: A brief history of TV shows' opening credit sequences

10 Myths About Gaming Cheats

The Dawn spacecraft’s innovation could change space travel forever

30 Popular Restaurant Discounts Everyone Should Know About

You'll need to know this someday: How to Build an Outdoor Fire

It’s All In The Reflexes: The Story Of The Contentious Big Trouble In Little China Screenplay

13 Out-of-This World Facts About Mork & Mindy

15 Out-of-This-World Facts About Men in Black

Candidate for Worst Boss of 2016

10 Incredible Innovations at the New Shanghai Disneyland

Ranking all the Villains on Game of Thrones   (WARNING: Spoilers)

Related: The Game of Thrones Graveyard. If you click on the grave itself, you leave a flower

Ever wondered how to walk on hot coals?  Me neither.

The science of a successful first date

The biggest explosion in documented history is STILL a mystery

Skipnote: Website Wednesday is a by-request only mailing list.  If, for any reason, you don't want to receive it, simply reply to this email and let me know. No hard feelings.  Now, on the other hand, if you know someone who you think might like getting WW every week, have them drop me a line.

Love you, mean it. Let's do lunch. Have your people call my people. Ciao, bella.
- Skip

 Website Wednesday archives

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