Friday, August 5, 2016

Puns, Jokes, and One-Liners

What do they call Miley Cyrus in France?
Kilometry Cyrus


I like my women like I like my drinks
Whatever’s available


I love nature, as long as it's not munching on me.


Apparently, from what I hear, it's GOOD to be a man from Nantucket.


Two midgets are sitting around, bored, when one of them pulls out some weed and says, “Wanna get medium?”


I’m starting to think that this is the last season of America, and the writers are just going nuts.


God made three mistakes:
     1. Mustard
     2. Pickles, and
     3. Anything else I don’t like.

The other day I was talking with a friend about how I love cucumbers, but I hate pickles. She said, “Yeah, I know what you mean. I love beer, but I hate yeast infections.”


How do miniature Japanese dogs say hello?


I tried searching Google for “Lost Medieval Servant Boy.” It told me “This Page Cannot Be Found.”


The best thing about the 140-character limit on Twitter is that it keeps profanity-prone me from accidentally inserting unnecessary motherfu

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