Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tunesmith Tuesday - TV Theme Songs (that you didn't know had lyrics) - "Leave It To Beaver"

The Beav’s theme was originally an old children’s song called “The Toy Parade.”

Hey! Here they come with a rum-tee tum
They're having a toy parade. 
A tin giraffe with a fife and drum
Is leading the kewpie brigade. 
A gingham cat in a soldier's hat
Is waving a Chinese fan, 
A plastic clown in a wedding gown
Is dancing with Raggedy Ann. 
Fee fie fiddle dee dee
They're crossing the living room floor 
Fee fie fiddle dee dee
They're up to the dining room door. 
They call a halt for a choc'late malt
Or cookies and lemonade 
Then off they go with a ho ho ho

Right back to their toy brigade

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