Monday, November 14, 2016

Happy Birthday, Melody!

(That's our dad on the left, then me, then sister Penny, then Mel. Lordy, we were cute back then...)

Today's my sister Melody's birthday.  She's not only my sister, but by best friend.

Melody was the Broadcast Manager for the Seattle Mariners in the first several years of their existence, then became the only female general manager of a professional sports team in America when she took over the helm of the Everett Giants (later named the Everett Aquasox). She's owned her own marketing business, published a monthly newsletter about your pets, and is an attorney. 

She shares her birthday with Prince Charles, and when she was a kid, she always used to send him birthday cards. But the jagoff never sent anything back, so after awhile, she decided the guy wasn't worth the effort, so she quit. (And see what HE ended up with? CAMILLA! BWAH-hahahahahaha!!!)

Love you, Mel! Thanks for always being there for me. 

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