Thursday, December 22, 2016

THROWBACK THURSDAY - "Happy Birthday, William!" (a twofer!)

Skipnote: I decided to add a new feature to the House of Chaos week. I'm calling it "Throwback Thursday," and each week will feature a post I made in the past. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances (I was a dork and erased them), none of them are any longer available online. I do this out of a sense of history, out of concern for newer readers who might not have had the benefit of my wisdom and humor as some of the others, but mostly because I'm really lazy and it'll make Thursdays easier for me.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Your Benevolent Overlord,


(originally published on December 22, 2008)

Attention, World! William Tucker turns 15 today!

Wow, it seems only yesterday you were 14.99726776.

And just think, for the next 29 days, you can be TWO years older than Jack!

I love you, Wills. Happy Birthday!


(originally published on December 22, 2014)

An Open Letter to My Eldest Son on His 21st Birthday

You finally made it, Wills. You’re 21. You are now legally and officially, an adult, everywhere.

So what’s changed as of today, now that you’re (legally) able to buy your own booze and cigars? Is any advice or influence that I might offer still relevant, or does the fact that you’ve matured into a grown man allow you to listen even closer?

I can only imagine what’s going through your mind. My 21st birthday was entirely different from yours. I had already been in the Navy, gotten married, and was back in college working on my undergraduate degree. You’re in your last year of college, and are just about to head out on your own. Once and for all, your childhood is over. Turning 18 might have been a legal milestone, but you know (now) that most people that age are far from being adults.

Man, it’s gone so fast. When you were a baby, everyone told me it would, but I had no idea how true that was. It seems like no time at all has passed since I was giving you a bath (even then, you loved the water), and when my mom and dad first met you.

Today is literally the First Day of the Rest of Your Life. It’s the beginning of your life as a grown man. I’m so proud of you, remembering the little guy whose two best friends were his little brother, and a well-loved, timeworn bear named Clarence.

It's been a wild ride, pal.  

But now you’re officially a grownup. There’s going to be a tendency to want to experience everything as quickly as possible. But don’t rush it. Experience what it’s like to be 21. And then 22. And then 23. One of my favorite quotes is,

“Seize the time. Live now. Make Now always the most important time. Now will never come again.”

(Okay, granted, it’s from a Star Trek episode. But it’s still an awesome sentiment.)

You’re now making your own choices and trusting in your own judgments. You don’t need me as much any longer, but know that I’m still here, ready to offer counsel or help it you need it.

In many ways I miss the little boy who looked at me with eyes that mirrored my own (“give me back my eyes!”) like I was the King of the World. I’m so absolutely proud of the man that you’ve become – and are becoming. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you - but I will. I'll hang around here for a little while, just like you should.

Happy birthday, Son

I love you.


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