Thursday, February 2, 2017

Jokes, Puns, and One-Liners

I got pulled over by a female police officer.
When I asked what’s wrong, she said “NOTHING!!”


I want the end credit scene for the next Marvel movie to be in a laboratory with Thor’s hammer ("Mjölnir", for the purists) sitting on a table. The door opens and it’s Stan Lee as a janitor who looks at the hammer for a second, picks it up, cleans under it, then sets it down and leaves.


How do you milk sheep?
With iPhone accessories.


How does Harry Potter like his sandwiches to be cut?
Diagon Alley


Why do ads say, "Get the credit you deserve"? I don't want the credit *I* deserve, I want the credit someone with *good credit* deserves!


Personally, I think Nature should learn to be a little more tolerant of vacuums.


I’m thinking that the only thing WORSE than finding our you were given up for adoption would be finding out that it was Rick Astley who gave you up.


In Canada, you don’t say “I love you.” You say, “EH EH MAPLE LEAF QUEEN BACK BACON MOOSE ANTLER EH” which roughly translates into “I’ll give you my snow shovel.” I think that’s beautiful.


I have this irrational fear of speed bumps, but I’m slowly getting over it.


Technically, you can go the rest of your life without eating. Technically.

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