Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Website Wednesday 17.5

Website Wednesday
a subsidiary of Skip's House of Chaos
(The 234,453rd Most Interesting Man in the World)

"From the Large Intestine of the Internets,

through the Sphincter of Electronic Mail,
peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."  

I'm doing the LA Marathon on March 19 to raise
money for the Kitten Rescue charity. I'm halfway
to the goal of $1,000, and I could use your help.
Please donate ANY amount - $1, $5, $10 -
very worthwhile cause by clicking here. Thanks!

And now, on to our regularly scheduled programming:

                        The thing all dystopian movies and books were
                        never able to predict was the sudden rebellion
                        of the National Park Social Media Managers.

Top of the heap: I knew it! I KNEW it! Bald Men Are More Intelligent, Successful, and Masculine, Says Science

THIS could come in handy - an app that makes it easy to pester your congress member

How U.S. Senators have responded to the Muslim Ban

The funniest signs from the Trump protests

An Open Letter: Today, the Statue of Liberty Shrugs

Next: A march on Washington to support science. Get updates here

The Fastest Ship In The World

15 Interesting Facts About American Gothic You Might Not Know

House of Cards teaser makes an Inauguration Day statement

Y'ever wonder if you can use a dead person’s finger to unlock their phone? Me neither.

Watch out for the “Can you hear me” scam

A Guide To Who You Are Supposed To Tip And How Much

7 Strange Mysteries of World War One

13 Things You Didn't know about The Dick Van Dyke Show

15 Awfully Big Facts About The Mary Tyler Moore Show

What Trumpcare will look like

The Myth of the Damsel on the Railroad Tracks

    ~ and, finally ~

AMAZING VIDEO: Thousands Of Sharks Visit A Sea Mount

Love you, mean it. Let's do lunch. Have your people call my people. Ciao, bella.
- Skip

 Website Wednesday archives

(If you'd like to subscribe to the Website Wednesday mailing list,
shoot me an email and let me know)

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