Saturday, March 25, 2017

Bro, do you even RUN???

So this happened.

I decided to do the Los Angeles Marathon last year. I finished, but I wasn't in the Top-10 (but I wasn't LAST, either). When it was over, I swore, SWORE, mind you, that I'd never do it again.

Flash forward about 8 months or so.

My dive/movie buddy Erin asked me if I planned on doing it again THIS year. My response was curt (only two words, as I recollect). She then asked if I would do it with her to help raise money for her charity, Kitten Rescue. AGAIN I politely declined.  

Then she pulled out the big guns and said, "Well, what about doing HALF of it, and I'll do the other half?" 

I don't even LIKE cats. But how do you say no to kittens?

So, last Sunday... I found myself, once again, at Dodger Stadium (with all the REAL runners).

So these were all the people in front of me...

And THESE were the people who were eating my DUST!
(Well, temporarily, at least)

I had to stop along the way to snap this pic of 
Johnny Weissmuller's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame...'s located at 6541 Hollywood Blvd, 
right next to his co-star, Maureen O'Sullivan 

I ended up with this...

And here's what it looks like (for now, anyway) on my wall.

An absolutely HUGE thank you to everyone who contributed to the cause (Melody, Dad and Mom, Carole, Christine, Colin, Gay, Lucky, Jeanna, Judy, Julie, Les, Lesli, Marilyn, Noelle, Penny and Steve, Reggie, Ruby, Tony, and various and sundry Anonymouses!). You guys all helped me reach my fundraising goal!

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