Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Star Wars Trivia

Carrie Fisher practically became a sex symbol when she wore the famous gold bikini (also known as the slave outfit or metal bikini). This you already know, but did you know that the costume often wouldn’t behave itself? In fact, the scene had to be reshot a lot of times because Carrie Fisher refused to use ‘tit tape’.

The Death Star II (as seen in The Return of the Jedi) was much bigger than the first one. In fact, it was 460% larger than the first (destroyed) one from A New Hope.

During the production of the “Revenge of the Sith” director George Lucas had developed a very nasty cough, which he recorded and used as General Grievous’ hacking bark.

Did you ever wonder where the idea for those furry little Ewoks came from? In video games you usually see Wookies during the battle of Endor, but the movie had these little Ewoks instead. Well, you might have guessed - originally an army of Wookiees was intended to help the Rebellion forces on Endor. However, director Lucas opted to use a smaller furry animal instead – and the Ewok was born.

Bonus fact: the word ‘Ewok’ isn’t actually mentioned at all in the film!

When George Lucas realized how massive Episode III was going to be, he called in Stephen Spielberg to help him with certain sequences – including the epic lightsaber duel between Anakin and Obi Wan.

When you were watching the asteroid sequence in The Empire Strikes Back, did you notice a shoe and potato floating in outer space for no reason? Take a look at the image above:

According to numerous SFX crew members, one of the asteroids in the sequence is actually a shoe, while another is a potato. The shoe was reportedly put in the scene because one of the special effects animators became so annoyed by Lucas who constantly requested changed to the scene.

By the time the Star Wars movies reached Episode VI this was an extremely popular franchise and everyone wanted to find out the latest leaks about the new movie (just like we want all the latest Star Wars 7 news we can get our hands on)! As such it was during filming of Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi, that the production team decided to film under the working title of Blue Harvest in order to keep curious fans from attempting to get on-set.

Bonus fact: This why the Family Guy's parody of Star Wars is called Blue Harvest.

By contrast, do you know what the working title for Episode II was? Well, believe it or not, it was "Jar Jar’s Big Adventure"– which would certainly have put many fans off from attempting to infiltrate the studio where the movie was being filmed.

(More here)

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