Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Website Wednesday 17.40

Website Wednesday
a subsidiary of Skip's House of Chaos
(The 234,453rd Most Interesting Man in the World)

"From the Large Intestine of the Internets,

through the Sphincter of Electronic Mail,
peeing like a baby on a changing table
into the brisk digital wind..."  

                    Remember that week in 2011 when the only news story
                    was when Charlie Sheen was going crazy and saying stuff
                    like, “I got tiger blood, man”, and “I’m tired of pretending
                    I’m not a total bitchin’ rock star from Mars”?

                    Ah, those were the days

Top of the heap:  In light of recent events, here are the members of Congress who take the most money from the gun lobby  (Thanks, Billy. You're my favorite right-wing love muffin)

Scuba Diving Magazine's 2017 Underwater Photo Contest Winners

The Chemistry and Physics Behind the Perfect Cup of Coffee

100 Skills Every Man Should Know

This could come in handy: How to Find the Specs for Any Device You Own

10 Lesser-Known Features in Google Maps for Androids

74,476 Reasons You Should Always Get The Bigger Pizza

18 Insanely Creepy Movie Facts You Probably Didn't Know Until Now

11 tips for preparing your kitchen for fall

8 Star Trek Spec Scripts That Never Saw the Light of Day

Related: How to Watch All of Star Trek (all 600-ish hours)

5 Amazing Things Invented By Donald Duck (Seriously)

Jared Kushner is very smart

Teachers Getting a Straight-A in Humor

Asking the Wrong Guy For Help (with your Photoshop pics)

7 Mistakes You're Making While Using Netflix

Interesting: Dumb license plates are about the get smart

Love you, mean it. Let's do lunch. Have your people call my people. Ciao, bella.
- Skip

 Website Wednesday archives

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