Thursday, November 23, 2017


(originally published on November 24, 2011)

My Thankful List
On this Thanksgiving, 2011, I'd like to reflect what I am particularly thankful for.

I'm thankful for my two sons, William and Jack. I always knew I’d love being a dad, but I had no idea it would be this cool. I am incredibly blessed to have the two of you. You're the best sons anyone could've ever hoped for. You guys have gone from a couple of cute cherubs sharing a stroller to two (almost) grown men faster than I could've believed. One of you is in college and the other a senior in high school who'll be heading to college this next fall.  I'm so proud of both of you.

I’m thankful for my family. Although we lost my dad almost 15 years ago, and my mom passed away two weeks ago today, I'm still close with my sisters. You guys have been my strength in times of despair and weakness, and co-celebrants during the times of rejoicing.

I’m thankful for my health. The old Temple creaks and groans from time to time, but I’m generally okay.

I'm thankful for scuba diving.  I've had the pleasure to dive in gorgeous spots all over the world, but I'd dive in iced mud if that's all I had.

I’m thankful for my job. I love what I do, and I pretty much always have. I haven’t “worked” a day in my life.

I’m thankful for coffee and cigars and the people who share them with me.

I’m thankful for my friends. You know who you are and what you mean to me.

I’m thankful that I'm an American.

I’m thankful that (for the most part) I don’t act my age. After all this time, I’m still able to see new things with the absolute wonder of a child, and I’m still able to, from time to time, go outside and play. I’m sure that having a couple of teenage boys helps in that area (well, that, and all those drugs from the ‘60’s finally kicking in).

And finally, I’m thankful that I’m *me*, and not my creditors.

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