Saturday, December 30, 2017

One day, in Louisiana ...

A traveling salesman was driving through the marshy Louisiana countryside one night when he missed a turn and found himself in a ditch. He saw a light in the distance so he approached and found himself in front of a door. He knocked, and the door was answered by a man who said that there was not much they could do at night, but that the salesman could stay at the house and they would get the car out of the ditch in the morning.

The next morning the salesman awoke to see his host going out the door with a shotgun.

He asked where the guy was going and was told.

”Gonna get a rabbit for breakfast.”

“A rabbit?” inquired the salesman.

“Oh, you betcha, cher. On the morning after you need some of the hare of the bog that ditched you.”

(Thanks, Alexa!)

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