Friday, February 9, 2018

Bonus Points, Texas!

600 men show up to fill 50 "Breakfast With Dad" seats at Texas Middle School
When school administrators at Dade Middle School in Dallas, TX, decided to organize a "Breakfast With Dad" event for their male students, they were nervous not enough fathers would actually show up. So to bolster the attendance rate, they put out a call for help on Facebook, asking for 50 men to come to the event as "stand-in" dads for students whose fathers couldn't make it or weren't present in their lives. And, well, they got a little more help than they ever bargained for.

The school's request spread like wildfire, and come the day of the event, 600 men from Northern Texas showed up to lend a helping hand. The volunteers did everything from engaging the boys in casual conversation to teaching them how to tie their ties

Learn more about it here

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