Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jokes, Puns, and One Liners

Graffiti on a bridge:

Some People: “That’s art!”
Other People: “That’s vandalism!”
Me: “How the hell did they get up there?”


My great-great-great grandfather was a pirate and, according to his diary, my great-great grandfather followed in his footstep.


Instead of milk with my cereal, I use wine. And then, also, instead of my cereal, I use wine.


Trying to argue with someone via text is like being Italian and having to talk while handcuffed.


Personally, I feel like Romeo and Juliet could’ve handled the situation better.


Life Hack for Students: Decorate your room to look like your math class. You’ll fall asleep faster.


Judging by the honks, flipped birds and jeers of “Lardass!” from the other drivers, it’s become pretty apparent that not *everyone* thinks it’s a marvelous night for a moondance.


When I was growing up, we had seven dogs. That might not sound like a lot, but it’s 49 in dog dogs.


I’m still unclear as to the right response for when a lady friend shows me her new hairdo, but so far I’ve ruled out “What on earth happened?” and “Is is windy out?”


Y’know, after a long day, sometimes I like to just look into a mirror.

And reflect.

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