Saturday, April 21, 2018

Betcha didn't notice these!

 In Anchorman, the restaurant sign
translates to "We Spit In Your Food"

Hercules: the rug that Hercules throws
over himself is Scar from The Lion King

 Guardians of the Galaxy: this scene has "translator
implants" listed as enhancements for Quill (which
is probably why everyone spoke English)

In Back to the Future III, Doc Brown's bandana
is made from his shirt in Back to the Future II

Credits from Naked Gun 2 1/2 explaining what a Grip is

 In Jaws II, Chief Brody uses the barrel from the 
original movie as a planter in his home.

 North By Northwest: the kid in the background
covers his ears in anticipation of the gunshot

In Grease, the waitress manages to turn off
the light despite completely missing the switch.

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