Wednesday, May 23, 2018

How Low Can You Go?

Visualizing the Depth of the Mariana Trench
The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean, an average of 124 miles 200 to the east of the Mariana Islands, in the Western Pacific, east of Philippines. It is a crescent-shaped scar in the Earth's crust, and measures about 1,580 miles long and 43 miles wide on average. It reaches a maximum-known depth of 36,070 feet, although some measurements place the deepest portion at 36,201 feet. To give you an idea of just exactly how deep this is - if Mount Everest were dropped into the trench at its deepest point, its peak would still be over a mile underwater. 
The Mariana Trench


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