Sunday, May 27, 2018

Random Status Updates

Me: Hey! What do you call a midget fortune-teller who just escaped from prison?
Starbucks Barista: Ummm, I don’t know, what?
Me: A Tall Grande at Venti!

I’m not allowed in that Starbucks anymore.


If I had to guess where it everything started to go wrong, I’d have to say it was the day I learned “elementopee” wasn’t one awesome letter.


SKETCH ARTIST: (holds up a drawing of a single bit of straw)
CAMEL: (in a wheelchair, tears in his eyes) That’s him!


Sometimes I feel like a seal is just a neutral sea lion.


As in …

without an ion


Statistics show that 69% of people find something dirty in everything they read


I haven’t eaten an apple in days.
The doctors are closing in.
My barricade won’t last much longer.
They’re coming.
Tell my family I love th-


When you think about it, Hotel California is basically a negative Yelp review with a two-minute guitar solo


I never run with scissors.
Those last two words were unnecessary.


You matter.
Unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light…
Then you energy.


We take it for granted today, but a single Dorito has more extreme nacho flavor than a peasant in the 1400’s would get in his entire lifetime.

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