Tuesday, January 8, 2019

TUNESMITH TUESDAY - "If I Can Dream" from Elvis Presley's 1968 Comeback Special

Wow. The King would've been 84 years old today.

From The Sun Sessions in 1954 until his death in 1977 and then on through the years, Elvis Presley has electrified fans with his distinctive style.

Elvis was drafted into the US Army in 1958 and then discharged two years later. He appeared as a guest on the Frank Sinatra Timex Special in May of 1960. That was his last TV appearance in over a decade.

From 1960 through most of 1968, he concentrated on making movies. But in early 1968, Elvis negotiated a deal with NBC to finance and broadcast a Christmas special. Recorded in late June of that year in Burbank, California, the show, called simply "Elvis" was broadcast on December 3. Later known as the '68 Comeback Special, the show featured lavishly staged studio productions, as well as songs performed with a band in front of a small (but enthusiastic) audience.

The show's finale had Presley performing "If I Can Dream".

"If I Can Dream"

There must be lights burning brighter somewhere
Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue
If I can dream of a better land
Where all my brothers walk hand in hand
Tell me why, oh why, oh why can't my dream come true?

There must be peace and understanding sometime
Strong winds of promise that will blow away all the doubt and fear
If I can dream of a warmer sun
Where hope keeps shining on everyone
Tell me why, oh why, oh why won't that sun appear?

We're lost in a cloud with too much rain
We're trapped in a world that's troubled with pain
But as long as a man has the strength to dream
He can redeem his soul and fly

Deep in my heart there's a trembling question
Still I am sure that the answer's gonna come somehow
Out there in the dark, there's a beckoning candle
And while I can think,
While I can talk
While I can stand,
While I can walk
While I can dream,
Please let my dream come true... right now
Let it come true right now
Oh, yeah right now

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