Saturday, May 18, 2019


I racked my right shoulder several years ago. I was really in quite a lot of pain for several months, and my doctor at the time, who had a very loose pencil, would prescribe all sorts of painkillers to deal with it.  (It still HURT, mind you. I just didn't CARE.)

Then, about six months later, I was talking with my ex-step-brother-in-law Pete, and when I described what had happened and the symptoms, he said that I had probably torn a Rotator Cuff. He asked me what I'd done thus far about it (and I told him), and then he asked if I'd ever considered acupuncture.

By this time I was ready for anything, so Pete went on to say that I should find someone who'd had a lot of experience (rather than someone who just finished an online course in the field). I found a clinic fairly close to my home, so I called - and the doctor told me that he wasn't accepting any new patients. I then asked for a referral, and he suggested this guy over near UCLA. Remembering Pete's advice, I asked, "Well-l-l-l... does he have a lot of experience?" The doc chuckled and said, "Well, let's put it this way. He used to treat Elvis Presley."

Wait... so this guy's been practicing since the 70's, AND he touched The King? Done!

I made an appointment to see him, and when I showed up, I was understandably apprehensive. I lay face down on the table, and he started with a Shiatsu massage (which I would've paid for by itself). Then he started to tap points on my back and shoulder. It felt like he was putting one finger down and tapping it with the other. THAT'S what the acupuncture needles felt like going in. 

To give you an idea of the size of the needles that are used...
After that initial session (which lasted about an hour), the pain, which I'd been suffering with for months was almost completely gone.  I went to this guy for two follow-up visits, and haven't been bothered by it since.

So what I'm saying is, if you've got chronic pain and have tried everything else, you might want to give Eastern medicine a shot. 

It worked for me.

Thanks, Pete.

(And Dr. Ota)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you bro. Acupuncture miami really does a lot of wonders in your body, not only with chronic pain. Glad that it worked out for you. Thanks for sharing.
