Saturday, June 15, 2019

One day, on an old country road...

A man was cruising down an old country road in his brand new Ferrari.

He had just bought it and was feeling pretty good about himself, taking his eyes off the road every few seconds to look at himself in the wing mirror.

All of a sudden, he spots a three-legged chicken running along behind him and he stares in disbelief as it overtakes him. He checks the speedo and is surprised once again as the needle is wobbling at just over 80 miles per hour.

"Well," he says to himself, "No freakin' chicken is overtaking me today," as he pushes the accelerator into the floor and blows past the chicken at over 140 miles per hour. He scoffs at it in the rear view mirror as it disappears behind him.

However, a few minutes later he catches sight of the three legged chicken again in the mirror just before it screams past him. "Holy cow!" The man yells, "That thing must be doing at least a hundred and eighty!" He floors the pedal again but he just can't keep pace with the three legged chicken.

Suddenly, the chicken makes a hard right up a dirt path. "Right, I'm seeing what this chicken is about," he decides as he slows down to follow the chicken up the bumpy road. As he reaches the end of the road, he comes to a small farm where he sees a pen holding many three legged chickens which all seem to be running around a high speed. A farmer in a pair of overalls approaches him as he steps out of the new Ferrari, "Hi there, son, how can I help? Are you lost?"

"No," he replies, "But I was just doing a hundred and forty down the road there and one of your chickens overtook me!"

"Ah," the farmer nods, "Well, these three legged chickens are very fast, sir."

"Yeah, no kidding? What's going on here, though? Why do you have three legged chickens?"

"Well, you see sir, I have a wife and a son. We all like a leg when we're having a nice Sunday roast but it seems a waste to kill two chickens when we won't eat all of it. So, I started breeding these three legged chickens."

"That's incredible!" The man exclaims, "How do they taste?"

"Dunno," the farmer replies, "I've never caught one."

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