Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Dumbest Scene Ever Deleted From "Star Wars"

From Cracked:
For years, it's been an international pastime to heap abuse on the Star Wars prequels. And we certainly won't deny anyone the privilege of visiting further contusions upon a long-dead horse. So here's yet another reason to shun this era of the franchise like a pox-riddled, highly punchable Gungan.

What we're going to discuss here isn't something that actually stank up cineplexes, but rather a deleted scene from arguably the least moronic prequel, Revenge of the Sith. It begins with a parlay between Obi-Wan and Anakin and the cyborg / postnasal drip sufferer General Grievous. Actually, it properly begins (at least in terms of awfulness) when Grievous murders the Jedi Shaak Ti in cold blood.

You don't need to be a Wookipedia scholar to get aggravated about the next sequence of events. After witnessing an absolutely pointless homicide, the two Jedi immediately begin communicating in the unspoken language of professional baseball coaches while surrounded by dozens of hostile droids, with Anakin rubbing various areas of his face to indicate one approach, whereas Kenobi signals his preference for a mustache-twiddling gambit. Just ... just watch it.

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