Sunday, January 19, 2020

A Letter from The Home

 (A Letter from The Home)

Dear Children,
Life is so pleasant here at the Hill Haven Home.  Everyone treats me so nice. I share my little room with another lady, Martha Tyler. We have so much in common.  She is 91 and I'm 87.  

I can't tell you how much your letters and gifts mean to me.  Especially the lovely little radio.  I just listen to it all the time.  Martha has had a little radio for five years but she keeps it turned down so low I can hardly hear it.  I used to ask her to turn it up so I could enjoy it too, but she never would do it. She doesn't mean to be that way, God love her.  But, she's so old, and all, bless her heart.  

Last Thursday Martha knocked her radio off her little bedside table and it broke into so many pieces that it can't be repaired.  Poor soul, I felt so sorry for her.  Tonight, I listened to the Southern Methodist Hour on my own little set.  It was so wonderful hearing all the old hymns again.  Martha, God love her, came over to my bed with tears in her eyes and asked me if I'd turn it up so she could hear it too.  Naturally I told her to fuck off, God bless her.


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