Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Donald Trump is a Stable Genius

Donald Trump is always boasting 
he has such a high IQ. How 
can we get him to prove it?

Are you kidding? He proves his smarts every day. His high IQ comes blasting through every time he tweets his genius thoughts.

The Top Ten Things Which Prove That Donald Trump is a Stable Genius
10. Only he knows that the “sound of Wind Turbines causes cancer.”

9. He makes speeches that nobody can understand, so he must be speaking at a level far above the average person. Much of what he says can only be heard by people who can hear “Dog Whistles”.

8. He knows big words like “covfefe”, which most people have no idea what it means.

7. Only he is smart enough to read between the lines of The Mueller Report and see that he is “TOTALLY and COMPLETELY EXONERATED!”, right after the passage where it says “Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

6. Only Trump knows that, “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” Tweeted by him on 11/6/2012.
5. He got all perfect grades in all the schools he attended, which he sued to keep private, so as not to embarrass all the regular, stupid people who voted for him.

4. Who else knew about the capture of all the airports during the Revolutionary War?

3. The fact that he won’t release his tax returns lends credence to the fact that he is a genius at not paying taxes.

2. The fact that dozens of people who surround him daily, say that he doesn’t read anything, proves that he already must know everything.

1. He has all the degrees possible from Trump University.

The Next Top Ten Things Which Demonstrate that Donald Trump is a Stable Genius
10. Only he is smart enough to change the path of a hurricane with a Sharpie.

9. Only he knows that DOJ actually stands for “Donnie’s Own Judicial” system and Bill Barr is his personal lawyer.

8. His genius has determined that Senate acquittal means he was never really impeached.

7. Only he is smart enough to know that the Corona virus is just a fad and will be gone when the weather warms up.

6. Trump is smart enough to know that everyone else is just plain stupid, especially the ones he hires and eventually fires for all his cabinet posts and staff.

5. Foregoing his $400,000 Presidential salary while he bills the government for $140 million in golf expenses at his resorts is pure genius.

4. It was a genius move to give The Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh at the State of the Union address. Nobody could possibly disagree with that, right?

3. Firing Gordon Sondland as EU Ambassador and keeping his $1 Million campaign donation was brilliant.

2. Using the National Prayer Breakfast to swear revenge on his impeachment enemies was something only “The Chosen One” would be smart enough to do. 

1. He is brilliant enough to divert $3.8 Billion from Congressionally allocated military spending to fund his wall, which Mexico was supposed to pay for.


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