Thursday, April 30, 2020

Random Status Updates (from the Quarantine)

So, wait... they cancelled the Renaissance Pleasure Faire because of COVID-19?

Why didn't they just run with it?

People dying from the plague would be pretty realistic, amirite?


I don't want to brag, but my car is currently getting about three weeks to the gallon


Remember wishing the weekend could just go on forever?

Are you happy now?


Dear Casinos: It’s no fun losing money, is it?


So Little Ducks, NOW do you understand why retired people eat dinner at 4:30pm?


Just because I’m bored, here’s a list of words containing the word, “meow”:

   -  meow 
   -  meows 
   -  meowed 
   -  meowing 
   -  homeowner

You’re welcome


Okay, “umop adisdn” is “upside down” spelled upside down with different letters of the alphabet. There. That’s one more thing you know.


Rent’s due. Car payment’s due. 
Cable bill’s due. Cellular bill’s due. 
Insurance due. Mountain Dew. 
Baby shark do do do do do. 
Everything’s due.


Isn’t it weird how the more we stay home, the more homeless we look?


Dear Amazon Prime and Netflix:
I don’t need the “Previously on…” feature.
I’ve been watching this show for 12 hours straight.

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