Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Happy Birthday, Will

My eldest son Will is 27 today.

I'm incredibly proud of this kind and generous man. 

Years ago, I came across a poem by American author Rod McKuen. For some reason, it really resonated with me, and became one of the (very few) poems I memorized. If for no other reason than it's about a 27th birthday, I'm including it here.

Some Thoughts for Benson Green on his 27th Birthday

Having just gone through the year myself
I know that twenty-seven can be hard.
But there are Sunday breakfasts
                           and April fields
and blue on blue
                           and green growing things
to change all that.

I know that spring is hard because you wait
                                     for summer
and fall is hardest of them all-
                 because you must not be alone
when winter comes.

I know
that love is worth the time it takes to find.
Think of that
    when all the world seems made of walk-up rooms
and hands in empty pockets.

I know your smile
and it is much too warm to waste on people in the
                      (though smiles are plentiful)
I know
that if you keep the empty heart alive a little longer
love will come.
                    It always does,
maybe just at the last moment, but it will come
                                           You must believe that
or there isn’t any reason to be twenty-seven.

Happiest of birthdays. Son. I love you.

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