Tuesday, December 15, 2020

TUNESMITH TUESDAY - "Sugar and Booze" by Ana Gasteyer

Sugar and Booze

There’s a ringin’ and a jinglin’
Folks are mixin and a minglin’
Twinkling lights and tinsel on the tree
How I love to keep the Yultide gay
Call me corny or cliché
But there’s a reason that the season
Brings so much joy to me

I love snowmen, and turtle doves in twos
Holly, ivy, mistletoe can take away my blues
Kris Kringle and his reindeer friends
They endlessly amuse
Because the best part of the holidays
Is sugar and booze

I love mittens, and skating on the ice
But I glide right through December
Mixing naughty with that nice
So pour a nip into that nog
And let it light your fuse
Because the best part of the holidays
Is sugar and booze

Wake up baby
Don’t you hit the snooze
Just forget the 
Headlines and the news
Pop the cork
Put on your dancin’ shoes
Give me honey and hootch
And I’ll give you a smooch
Let’s give those devils their due

I like cider
But keep it spiked with Rum
What good’s a little drummer boy
With no pa-rum-pa-pum-pum?
Come New Year’s Day
We’ll all resolve
Those extra pounds to lose
But now’s the time we let it rip with
Sugar and booze

Once a year we
All deserve some fun
Life is short so
Why live like a nun?
Grab a fork there’s
Damage to be done
King Wenceslas
Hit the sweet some sauce
Give me gin and cinnamon buns

I like cider
But keep it spiked with Rum
What good’s a little drummer boy
With no pa-rum-pa-pum-pum?

Come New Year’s Day
We’ll all resolve
Those extra pounds to lose

You can keep that tray
Of crudité
Honey I refuse
Martinis at lunch
Pastries and punch
It’s an annual excuse

We’ll have Hendrick’s for the Gentiles
Manischewitz for the Jews
Because the best part of the holidays
Is sugar and booze
Oh yeah

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