Sunday, April 4, 2021

Random Status Updates

I, for one, am severely disappointed that they named it “insomnia” instead of “resisting a rest.”


So, I’m considering getting a tattoo. Here’s my thought... I’ll have a couple of rabbits tattooed on my head. That way, from a distance, they’ll look like hares!


If I’m ever murdered, it’ll probably be because I said something absolutely perfect to someone with no sense of humor.


Okay, so… the instruction on my new medication says, “Take one pill twice daily.” I hate taking it the second time though, because it always tastes like barf.


Finally! Winter is over, and Spring has spring! 
I sort of think of Winter as the Justin Bieber of seasons... kind of cute and exciting when it starts out, but becomes increasingly obnoxious and should probably just stay in Canada.


Is anyone else sort of feeling like the Earth just sent us all to our rooms to think about what we’ve done?


Yeah, way to ruin the surprise, Spanish exclamation points.


When someone unfriends me, I always wonder which post was their last straw.


The Romans column as they ‘seum


Hmmm. Has anyone else notice that the number of selfies has seemed to decrease in direct proportion to the number of beauty salons that have closed?

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