Tuesday, December 11, 2018

TUNESMITH TUESDAY - "Baby, Just Go Outside"

Baby, Just Go Outside

(I really can't stay) 
   Okay you’re free to go
(I've got to go away) 
   Understood, no means no
(This evening has been) 
   Super appropriate
(So very nice) 
   But I do understand consent

(My mother will start to worry) 
   Definitely text her right now
(My father will be pacing the floor) 
   Here’s the code and there is the door
(So really I'd better scurry) 
   I am gonna stand over here
(Well, maybe just half a drink more) 
   You’re in control of this thing

(The neighbors might think) 
   Invite them over if you like
(Say what's in this drink) 
   Um, nothing but Sprite
(I wish I knew how) 
   Just walk right out the door
(To break this spell) 
   I do know how to spell H-A-R-A-S-S-M-E-N-T

(I ought to say no, no, no, sir) 
   I hear you loud and clear
(At least I'm gonna say that I tried) 
   I am trying super hard
(I really can't stay) 
   Please just go out
[Baby, it’s cold outside] 
Baby, just go outside

(I simply must go) 
   Uber is right outside
(The answer is no) 
   Seriously, right outside
(The welcome has been) 
   I’ll walk you to the curb
(So nice and warm) 
   But totally consensual

(There's bound to be talk tomorrow) 
   Hopefully not about us
(At least there will be plenty implied) 
   Please do imply anything
(I really can't stay) 
Baby just go out

(I really can't stay) Please just go out
[Baby, it’s cold outside] 
Baby, just go. Baby, just go outside!

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