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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Big Stuff in the Ocean...

Wanna see something really cool?
This is a whale shark. It's the largest fish on Earth, and can grow to over 40 feet in length, and they're found in the open waters of tropical oceans.

As large as they are, though, they PALE when compared to the Blue Whale...

A full-sized Blue whale can reach to a staggering 105 feet in length, which means it's not only the largest animal on Earth...'s the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth! 

To give you an idea... check out these comparisons:

Luckily, for those of us who spend a lot of time in the ocean, both the Whale Shark and the Blue Whale feed on small organisms (called copepods and krill) by sucking in a (huge) mouthful of water, then filtering out the water through their baleen (bristle-like teeth).

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